The Meaning Behind The Song: It snowed remastered by Meaghan Smith

The Meaning Behind The Song: “It snowed – remastered” by Meaghan Smith


As a Music Therapist, I have come across numerous songs that hold deep meaning for countless individuals. One such song that has left a lasting impact on me and many others is “It snowed – remastered” by Meaghan Smith. The lyrics combined with Smith’s hauntingly beautiful voice create a heartfelt ballad that touches the soul.

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Personal Connection

I first heard this song on a cold winter evening. I remember stumbling upon it at a friend’s house, and as soon as the melody began, I was captivated. The cozy atmosphere, accompanied by the gentle sound of snowflakes falling outside, perfectly complemented the essence of the song. It was as if the music and the weather aligned to create a magical moment.

The Magic of Snow

“It snowed, It snowed, It snowed last night.” These simple words carry a profound significance, evoking a sense of purity and tranquility. The artist beautifully captures the joy of waking up to a world covered in a pristine layer of snow. The imagery of everything sparkling with diamond light allows listeners to visualize the enchantment that comes with witnessing a fresh snowfall.

In the midst of a wintry landscape, the song invites us to embrace the childlike wonder within us and play hooky. Meaghan Smith encourages us to leave behind our responsibilities and enjoy the moment alongside our loved ones. The road may be bare, but the snow’s arrival has transformed it into something extraordinary.

Relishing the Moment

The lyrics continue to depict a scene of joyful anticipation and togetherness. The mention of hitching up a sled and taking a ride paints a picture of carefree adventures in the snow. The song exudes happiness, reminding us that snow can bring people together and create lasting memories.

The chorus encapsulates the magic and brightness that snowfall brings to the world. The beauty of nature during a snowfall captivates our senses, making everything seem more peaceful and serene.

A Song for Cozy Evenings

“And when the sun dips out of sight, we’ll cozy up together by the fireside.” These words reflect the comfort and warmth that can be found in the company of loved ones on a chilly winter night. The song speaks to the intimacy and connection that can be nurtured when shared experiences are cherished.

As the song comes to a close, Meaghan Smith ends with a wish. She encourages us to gaze upon the stars and hope for snow again tonight. This final sentiment instills a sense of hope and longing, inviting us to embrace the beauty and possibility of each new day.


“It snowed – remastered” by Meaghan Smith encapsulates the joy, magic, and togetherness that snow brings into our lives. It serves as a gentle reminder to appreciate the simple moments and to find solace in the company of loved ones. This song, with its profound lyrics and Smith’s enchanting voice, has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on my heart and the hearts of many others.

So, the next time you find yourself waking up to a snowy winter morning, take a moment to listen to this beautiful ballad and let it transport you into a world of wonder and delight.
